A private equity deal isn’t complete without a robust due diligence procedure. This is the most important step to identifying the areas that generate value operations improvements prior to investing into a business.
This process usually begins with the creation of a confidential memorandum (CIM) A document that includes financial data, a description about the management team, as well as commercial details, such as information on the target company’s products and customers. Then an intelligent private equity company will enhance the CIM with questions that are more specific to the business and utilize an electronic data room to collect documents and provide answers to the target company’s management team.
Legal due diligence is an important step, especially when it concerns buyouts. The business plan for a buyout typically involves cutting staff and selling assets or closing offices or facilities and can inadvertently create legal issues.
In this era of soaring multiples of purchase, it’s more important than ever to conduct thorough market and commercial due-diligence. A thorough approach to due diligence can assist private equity firms Website create a well-thought-out day-one growth strategy and unlock value faster than they ever thought possible.
To find out more about Baker Tilly’s services to assist you with due diligence, please contact our team. We’re here to help succeed in your next transaction. Image credit: Credit to Getty Images.